• We are thrilled that our 2023 HAVI conference will take place Sept. 26-28, 2023, and we will gather in person in Chicago this year! We welcome you to share our conference website: which offers a wealth of information.

  • You can help spread the word about the #2023HAVIConference by retweeting and sharing posts from HAVI’s channels on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook leading up to the event. The primary channels that we’ll use during the HAVI Conference are Twitter (rebranded as ‘X’) and Instagram. 

  • While attending our national convening, feel free to post photos, quotes, videos, and your thoughts from your experience at the event using our official hashtag: #2023HAVIConference 

Scroll down to find a sample copy for posting as well as branded profile cards designed especially for you – our speakers – to share on your social media networks. Profile cards are organized by plenary speakers, plenary panelists, awards presenters, and workshop and research abstract speakers. Scroll to your section to find your card! 


The official handles for the HAVI will differ depending on the platform, so for ease of tagging: 

Make sure to tag @TheHAVI (on Twitter or refer to the complete list of handles above) to increase the visibility of your posts across our platforms. 


Twitter (rebranded as ‘X’):

  • I’m excited to be part of the #2023HAVIConference, hosted by @TheHAVI, in Chicago September 26-28th! This national convening of stakeholders will share best practices, lessons from the field, and research on violence intervention, healing equity, and community partnerships. Learn more at:  

  • Thrilled to join the #2023HAVIConference, hosted by @TheHAVI, happening in Chicago from September 26-28! This national gathering of changemakers will bring together insights on violence intervention, healing equity, and community partnerships. Discover more at:

  • I’m looking forward to speaking at the #2023HAVIConference, hosted by @TheHAVI, Sept. 26-28th in Chicago! It is an incredible lineup of speakers from government, healthcare, philanthropy, and frontline violence prevention. Learn more at:  

  • Excited to present at #2023HAVIConference, hosted by @TheHAVI, Sep 26-28 in Chicago! It is an impressive lineup of speakers from government, healthcare, philanthropy, and frontline violence prevention. Explore details at


  • I am delighted to be a speaker at the upcoming #2023HAVIConference, hosted by @WeAreTheHAVI, Sep 26-28 in Chicago! This national convening will gather leaders from government, healthcare, philanthropy, and frontline #violenceprevention. Together, we will share innovation, best practices, field insights, and research on #violenceintervention, #healingequity, and community partnerships. Let's amplify this impactful work! Learn more:

  • I’m excited to be part of the #2023HAVIConference hosted by @WeAreTheHAVI! in Chicago September 26-28th! This national convening of stakeholders will share best practices, insights from the field, and cutting-edge research on #violenceintervention, #healingequity, and community partnerships. Discover more at 🌟

  • Mark your calendars for the #2023HAVIConference hosted by @WeAreTheHAVI in Chicago from September 26-28th! I'm honored to be speaking among an impressive lineup of voices from government, healthcare, philanthropy, and the frontline of #violenceprevention. Explore the event details at and get ready for an inspiring experience! 🎤🙌


If you can't find your profile card or need to make changes to your current card, please don't hesitate to contact us before September 20th, and we'll do our utmost to help you.

Plenary Speakers

(Just right click to download your profile card)

Plenary Panelists

(Just right click to download your profile card)

If you can't find your profile card or need to make changes to your current card, please don't hesitate to contact us before September 20th, and we'll do our utmost to help you.

Awards Presenters

(Just right click to download your profile card)

Workshop & Research Abstract Speakers

(Just right click to download your profile card)

If you can't find your profile card or need to make changes to your current card, please don't hesitate to contact us before September 20th, and we'll do our utmost to help you.